MakeMKV for OSX (can front end for backend Handbrake/VLC in the Options) M1/ProMax supported native! So Id recommend HANDBRAKE over paying for this… The FREE version of MacXDVD is LIMITED to 5min No mention of NATIVE M1/Pro/Max (just UNIVERSAL 64bit all core/cpu encoding) … (biased to sell you software) & NOT M1 NATVE, but 64bit emulation of UNIVERSAL translation, so SLOW! Im not sure of encoding speed being optimised for M1/Pro/Max as I use HANDBRAKE as its pretty easy to use with lots of online help for the complete noob! M1/ProMax supported native! The other FREE alt is VLC (also native now) that will rip a DVD.

Handbrake >1.4 Released with Apple M1 Support & optimisations but encoding you need to select the M1/Pro/Max VIDEOTOOLBOX 264/5 CODEC and encoding will go from 30fps to >300-600fps (M1>Pro>MAX) ~ You may need to find and add the DVD decode DLL to rip a DVD (Im not sure about decoding BRAY as I only do the odd DVD backup to MP4/MKV) ~ its free, its awesome and with the encoding tip you will love the M1/ProMax supported native! ALL THE INFO YOU NEED FOR OSX/UNIVERSAL 64BIT & M1/PRO/MAX NATIVE ~ FREE/PAYWARE DONATION OPTIONS